

"The important thing is not to stop questioning." Albert Einstein

Why is Organization Development Critical?

We do work in the following areas to ensure that our clients product development strategies are successful.

Change management --we work with departments and teams to help them plan and implement significant changes in their organizations.

Meeting design and facilitation -- working with clients to help them plan an agenda, stay with the agenda, and discuss issues effectively.

Team development -- helping a team to develop its ability to work more effectively together.

Group problem solving -- we provide facilitation in order to help a group identify a key issue, gather information about it, and outline decisions or action plans needed to address the issue.

Business Process Redesign -- we work with a group to analyze the current way of doing a specific piece of work to determine whether there is a better way to design how the work gets done.

Customized Training -- we create customized training that is tailored to fit the needs of your organization - - both live workshops or online learning.

Strategic Planning - we create comprehensive organizational strategic plans to ensure no detail is missed in the successful implementation of your product design and Voice of the Customer efforts.  Read more >>


We offer workshops in all content areas related to organization development and strategic planning.

Hoshin Kanri Basics »

SWOT Analysis »

Voice of the Customer »

Team Development »

Online Training

Visit our sister site LearnFirm.com for our online QFD training.

Hoshin Kanri »

SWOT Analysis »

Voice of the Customer »

Quality Function Deployment »

Quality Tools for Teams »

Contact Us

Contact us for a free quote on how we can provide training and consulting in Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and the Voice of the Customer (VOC).
